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New Century Bank is founded in Christian principles. We are dedicated daily to applying these principles to our relationship with you.

Online Banking Login


In addition to our 24 hour Online Banking, New Century Bank has a Banking Location in Belleville, Kansas, a Mortgage Loan Office in Manhattan, Kansas and an ATM located at our Belleville Kansas location.

Toll Free: 888-235-7976
Local: 785-527-2772

785-527-2922 Support Email

Electronic Banking:
24 Hour Online Banking and Bill Payment
ATM’s and Night Deposits located at each of our facilities
Support Email:

In addition to our 24 hour Online Banking, New Century Bank has a Banking Location in Belleville, Kansas and in Manhattan, Kansas.

Belleville Branch:
1211 28th Street Belleville, KS 66935
Monday – Friday: 9:00am - 4:00pm lobby
8:00am - 5:00pm drive thru
Saturday: Closed
ATM located on west side of building.

Phone 785-527-2772
Fax 785-527-2922

belleville ks street map

Manhattan Branch:
2815 Anderson Ave Manhattan, KS 66502
Monday – Friday: 9:00am – 4:00pm Lobby
8:00am – 5:00pm Drive Thru
Saturday: Closed
ATM located on West side of building.

Phone 785-532-9066
Fax 785-539-2249

manhattan ks street map

Begin a Relationship Today
Call Toll-Free: 888-235-7976

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